GET Construction
Returns all construction projects.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
format |
Valid values are 'xml' or 'json', default 'json'. |
string |
Optional |
lang |
Valid values are 'en' or 'fr', default 'en'. |
string |
Optional |
Response Information
Resource Description
Name | Description | Type |
ID |
A unique identifier. |
integer |
SourceId |
The source id for the construction project. |
string |
Organization |
The name of the organization that provided this construction project. |
string |
RoadwayName |
The roadway affected by this construction project. |
string |
DirectionOfTravel |
The direction of travel affected by this construction project. |
string |
Description |
A summary of the construction project details which often includes a location description, impact on traffic and lane reductions. |
string |
Reported |
The date the construction project was reported in Unix time. More information |
integer |
LastUpdated |
The date the construction project details were last updated in Unix time. More information |
integer |
StartDate |
The start date of the construction project in Unix time. More information |
integer |
PlannedEndDate |
The date the construction project is expected to end in Unix time. More information |
integer |
LanesAffected |
Describes the lane or number of lanes affected by the construction project. For example: all lanes. |
string |
Latitude |
The latitude describing the location. Format: double between -90 and 90. |
double |
Longitude |
The longitude describing the location. Format: double between -180 and 180. |
double |
LatitudeSecondary |
Secondary latitude. |
double |
LongitudeSecondary |
Secondary Longitude. |
double |
EventType |
The type of construction project. One of the following: roadwork |
string |
IsFullClosure |
All lanes are closed. |
boolean |
Comment |
Extra information about the event |
string |
EncodedPolyline |
A single string storing a series of coordinates. More information |
string |
Recurrence |
Describes the schedule of the event. |
string |
RecurrenceSchedules |
More information about recurring events. Event start and end dates, times and day(s) of the week event is active. |
string |
LinkId |
The link id on which this construction project occurs. |
string |
Response Formats
"ID": "MTO-constructions--2014-6026-226764013",
"Organization": "MTO-constructions",
"RoadwayName": "Highway 11",
"DirectionOfTravel": "Both Directions",
"Description": "There is no impact on traffic.\n On Highway 11/17, from 4.8 kilometres West of Highway 628 Easterly, 11.8 kilometers to 1.5 kilometres West of Highway 585.\n Divided from two-way traffic onto two east-bound lanes and two west-bound lanes. No reduced speed limit. No lane width restriction. No reduced height.\n \n April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020",
"Reported": 1434340800,
"LastUpdated": 1678374008,
"StartDate": 1434340800,
"PlannedEndDate": 1624593600,
"LanesAffected": "No Data",
"Latitude": 49.011999,
"Longitude": -88.31825,
"LatitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"LongitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"EventType": "roadwork",
"IsFullClosure": false,
"Recurrence": "",
"RecurrenceSchedules": "",
"LinkId": null,
"Comment": "April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020"
"ID": "MTO-constructions--2015-5119-257195424",
"Organization": "MTO-constructions",
"RoadwayName": "Highway 69",
"DirectionOfTravel": "COMBINED",
"Description": "Expect delays up to 15 minutes.\n Near French River, from 2.9 kilometres north of Highway 522 to 4.6 kilometres north of Highway 607 for 14.9 kilometres.\n No lane restrictions during Stage 1. Speed reduction zone applies to Contract Limits, however zoned only as required. Flagging operations during blasting operations. Speed reduction zone from 90 kilometres per hour to 70 kilometres per hour when workers are present.\n \n April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020",
"Reported": 1456808400,
"LastUpdated": 1678374007,
"StartDate": 1456808400,
"PlannedEndDate": 1656561600,
"LanesAffected": "No Data",
"Latitude": 45.93799,
"Longitude": -80.582908,
"LatitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"LongitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"EventType": "roadwork",
"IsFullClosure": false,
"Recurrence": "",
"RecurrenceSchedules": "",
"LinkId": null,
"Comment": "April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020"
<RoadwayName>Highway 11</RoadwayName>
<DirectionOfTravel>Both Directions</DirectionOfTravel>
<Description>There is no impact on traffic. On Highway 11/17, from 4.8 kilometres West of Highway 628 Easterly, 11.8 kilometers to 1.5 kilometres West of Highway 585. Divided from two-way traffic onto two east-bound lanes and two west-bound lanes. No reduced speed limit. No lane width restriction. No reduced height. April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020</Description>
<LanesAffected>No Data</LanesAffected>
<Comment>April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020</Comment>
<RoadwayName>Highway 69</RoadwayName>
<Description>Expect delays up to 15 minutes. Near French River, from 2.9 kilometres north of Highway 522 to 4.6 kilometres north of Highway 607 for 14.9 kilometres. No lane restrictions during Stage 1. Speed reduction zone applies to Contract Limits, however zoned only as required. Flagging operations during blasting operations. Speed reduction zone from 90 kilometres per hour to 70 kilometres per hour when workers are present. April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020</Description>
<LanesAffected>No Data</LanesAffected>
<Comment>April 03, 2020 - April 10, 2020</Comment>